Alcuin of York and His Epistolario

  • Rubén A. Peretó Rivas Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Keywords: Alcuin of York, Epistles, Theological matters, Charlemagne, Doctrine


This paper deals with Alcuin of York’s thinking and personality reflected in his letters. It is an analysis of the different types of Alcuin’s epistles: doctrinal, friendship, officials (according to his roles as an abbot, a royal court functionary and an educator), and other author’s letters. It is possible to discover in these letters many aspects of the political, ecclesiastical and theological matters in the Charlemagne’s age as well as a human and personal face of Alcuin of York.


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How to Cite
Peretó Rivas, R. A. (2001). Alcuin of York and His Epistolario. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 22, 58-75. Retrieved from

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