On the Coincidence of Opposites. First Part

  • Jorge M. Machetta Universidad del Salvador
Keywords: Nicholas of Cuse, De Docta Ignorantia


This paper is a first part of a wider research on this Nicholas of Cuse's topic. We think that the immediate approach and the direct analysis of the first chapters of De Docta Ignorantia constitute, given their decisive importance for his work, the obligatory starting point to capture the original meaning of his proposal. Likewise, we hope that in subsequent studies we will be able to highlight the relevance and richness implicit in this starting point.


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How to Cite
Machetta, J. M. (1999). On the Coincidence of Opposites. First Part. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 20, 60-66. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/petm/article/view/7895
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