The Deus Absconditus or About the Name of God in Nicholas of Cuse

  • Claudia D'Amico Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Paradoxical expression, Nicholas of Cuse, Divine names, via negativa, hidden God


The opuscule De deo abscondito represents one of the common and paradoxical expressions of Nicolas of Cuse’s thought. The topic of the “hidden God” is related with the problem of the attribution of names to God. Following the steps of Dionysian’s inspiration –and also underlying scholastic’s commentaries– and Eckhartian’s, this article presents the similarities and also points out the original Cusanus’ traits: the absolute inaccessibility of the truth, the preference of the name “unitas” on the frame of his first works and the passage through the via negativa.


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How to Cite
D’Amico, C. (1996). The Deus Absconditus or About the Name of God in Nicholas of Cuse. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 17, 38-48. Retrieved from

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