Political Philosophy and Theology of History in Dante's Theory of the Empire

  • Francisco Bertelloni Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Dante, Empire, Method, Rationality, Theology


First, the article displays a brief historical introduction presenting the context in which the understanding of the medieval idea of the Empire's restauration is made possible. Secondly, it follows the developments of the Convivio and the Monarchia where Dante tends to demonstrate Rome's right to Empire. Thirdly, an attempt is made to demonstrate the exclusively theological character of Book II of the Monarchia, which, according to the method employed there by Dante, responds formally to the method of the loci theologici. In the fourth place, it tries to show that Dante gives a rational character to the theological argumentation of Book II: a rationality that is, finally, originated in divine providence. According to the double character (theological-philosophical) of Dante's methodology, the fifth part is devoted to make evident the structure of the Theology of History outlined by Dante, assuming a sacred (theological)- profane (rational) character. Finally, a brief reference is made regarding the sources of Dante's providentialism. 


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How to Cite
Bertelloni, F. (1981). Political Philosophy and Theology of History in Dante’s Theory of the Empire. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 2, 37-66. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/petm/article/view/8291