Freedom and Necessity on the ‘Monologion’ of Saint Anselm of Canterbury (Textual Specularity and Speculative Articulation of Thought)

  • Enrique Corti Centro de Estudios de Filosofía Medieval
Keywords: Textual Structure, Stratification Level, Speculative Articulation, Anselm, Monologion


This paper presents the speculative articulation between the two sectors of the text of the “Monologion” –one that includes chapters 1-64 and the other that goes from chapter 65 to 78– from the axial perspective given in chapter 65. This textual articulation allows, in turn, access to the speculative articulation of Anselm’s thought with respect to the notions of “freedom” and “necessity”. The thematic reconstruction of the text from this perspective must be carried out in a way that responds to the three levels of stratification of the work –category; habitual-category; notional-fundamental– through its various structural relations. The relation between the first two levels of stratification, which correspond to the categories and their intra-textual use, determines for each sector of the text a third level of articulation of notional-fundamental care, which can be observed in each of the two sectors and which constitutes the central articulator of the work and at the same time highlights the specular character of its structure.  


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How to Cite
Corti, E. (1988). Freedom and Necessity on the ‘Monologion’ of Saint Anselm of Canterbury (Textual Specularity and Speculative Articulation of Thought). Patristica Et Mediævalia, 9, 47-90. Retrieved from