Medioevofobia. Notes about researching on the Philosophy of the Middle Ages

Keywords: usefulness, actuality, disparagement, Middle Ages, Medioevofobia


This note offers a compendium of thoughts and reflections regarding the difficulties that a researcher currently finds in topics related to the Middle Ages. Here are also exposed the most common arguments and the responses that leading medievalists have tried. The purpose of this work is, firstly, to show the prejudice that persists around the Middle Ages; then, to provide a bibliographic elenchus that hopefully helps those who must still justify the motivations of their choice; thirdly, to become an instrument to be updated in the future by ourselves or by those who are interested in. Finally, under the concept of “medioevofobia”, we have tried to attend the experiences we had and which we believe we will continue having.


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How to Cite
Lázaro, N. A. (2020). Medioevofobia. Notes about researching on the Philosophy of the Middle Ages. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 41(2), 117-128.
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