Ethical Code

Based on COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics),  and adapted according to uses and requirements of the disciplinary field.
Patristica et Mediævalia subscribes to the CONICET Guideline for Ethical Behavoir in Social Sciences and Humanities.

The Editorial Board guarantees that the contributions will be sent for peer review to the most qualified scholars in the respective subject matters, avoiding possible conflicts of interest.

All members of the Editorial team undertake not to disclose information related to the articles sent for publication to other people except authors, reviewers, and editors, and to maintain double anonymity (referees-author) during and after the review process.

The Editorial Board undertakes to communicate in time the reception, evaluation, and arbitration decision on the contribution received in a period no longer than eight weeks after the close of each call.

The opinions provided by reviewers are not binding. The Editorial Board members assume complete responsibility and authority to reject or accept contributions.

A contribution will only be sent for peer review after it has been verified that it a) fits the journal's topic; b) meets standard scientific formal requirements, and c) there is reasonable certainty about its authorship and authenticity. Failure to meet these requirements will result in the contribution being rejected by the Editorial Team.

For critical notes, reviews, academic news, and chronicles, which are not subject to review, this responsibility will be assumed by the Editorial Advisory Board.

In the case of errors found after the article has been published, the Publisher and the Editorial Board will ensure the publication of a correction or retraction, preserving the anonymity of the reviewers (see last ítem "Statement of Misconduct").

All referees undertake to evaluate the contribution received as peers. The review must be critical, constructive, and without personal or doctrinal bias.

In all cases, comments, criticisms, and suggestions must be respectful and constructive.

All referees also agree to send the review within the time frame prescribed by the journal, that is, no more than eight weeks after the close of each call.

In case of suspicion or certainty of authorship of the contribution, as well as any other data that represents a conflict of interest, the referee must notify immediately the Editorial Board and reject the request for arbitration.

A referee may suggest small formal changes in style, punctuation, etc., but, unless the contribution presents major legibility problems, it should not affect the final decision.

To promote the originality of the texts, referees will ensure that the contribution reviewed is not partial or complete plagiarism or self-plagiarism. In the case of critical notes, reviews, information on academic interest, and the chronicles, which are not evaluated, this responsibility will be assumed by the Editorial Advisory Board. Patristica et mediævalia strongly recommends to referees the use of Plagius, the anti-plagiarism software that the journal employs.

The assigned submissions are confidential, which means that the referees should not talk about them with other people from the academic field.

Patristica et Mediævalia accepts only original contributions that have not been previously published nor sent for evaluation to any other journal.

In no case, plagiarism or self-plagiarism of a complete work or a particular passage is allowed.

All authors are responsible for spelling and grammatical text correction, especially in the case of papers written in a language different from Spanish.

The content of the collaborations –the text itself, graphics, images, etc., as well as its respective references– is under the responsibility of the authors.

Statement on Misconduct

The ethics of the publication process will be overseen and safeguarded by the Editorial Board of the Journal based on the guidelines for article retraction and the maintenance of the publication's academic prestige. Patristica et mediævalia will always be ready to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary, ensuring that plagiarized or fraudulent data is not published.

If questioning about the authorship of a work published by another author or claims of intellectual property were received, Patristica et Mediævalia will first get in contact privately with both parties in conflict. If no agreement has been reached, or the authorship cannot be established with certainty, the journal will contact the respective institutions of the authors.

This same procedure will be followed if an intentional adulteration of data, images, graphics, etc. is detected.

If such faults were identified in an already published work, the author must retract and correct them. It will, however, remain indexed in Patristica et mediævalia under the condition of “retracted”.