The Components of the Divine Image in the Man According to the "De hominis opificio” of Gregory of Nyssa

  • Graciela Lidia Ritacco Universidad de Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Keywords: Gregory of Nyssa, Man as image, Human freedom, God, Creation


In chapters IV and V of the treatise De hominis opificio by Gregory of Nyssa, the relationship between man and God is set out within a complex and eloquent frame of reference: the creation of humanity insofar as it shows the royal power enjoyed by man. Man is presented here as an image. And Gregory gives him three groups of properties: (i) royalty, freedom, virtue, immortality and justice; (ii) purity, impassivity, beatitude, freedom from all evil; (iii) Logos, diánoia, agápe. Thus, in this work we analyze, in detail, each of these qualities that Gregory attributes to the image in chapters IV and V of De hominis opificio.


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How to Cite
Ritacco, G. L. (1975). The Components of the Divine Image in the Man According to the "De hominis opificio” of Gregory of Nyssa. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 1, 49-76. Retrieved from