Vita activa and lex naturae in Chromatius of Aquileia: the case of Sermo III

Keywords: Chromatius, Sermones, action, pelagianism, identity


The Sermones of Chromatius of Aquileia offer us direct evidence of his episcopal and literary experience, divided between the most marked exegesis and the pastoral objective. The structural and linguistic simplicity and the reference to a few contemporary authors, characteristics of the third of these homiletic compositions, offer us the opportunity to analyse the most intimate and practical purposes of this text. The close relationship with the audience, in fact, and the intent to guide them on a right Christian path are evident protagonists in the flow of the entire sermon. At the same time, however, the scriptural exegesis of Chromatius and his doctrinal study run: the Bishop tries to offer a small baggage useful to the path of those who listen to him, in a strong enhancement of human action. The vita activa adhering to the lex naturae inherent in the human soul constitutes, in fact, the most evident theme of the entire homily, expounded by the Aquileian above all with the aim of strengthening the unity and the identity of the listeners in the face of external pressures. Above all, the scriptural reference is strong, present throughout the Sermo: the passage, certainly read just before the exposition, is almost entirely reported, and exposed to the faithful, so as to make it more fixed in the memory of those who attend.


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How to Cite
Conti, F. (2021). Vita activa and lex naturae in Chromatius of Aquileia: the case of Sermo III. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 42(2), 5-32.