About How Angels Can Show Humans the Path to Rebellion. A Reading from John Wyclif

Keywords: Angels. Hierarchy. John Wyclif. Sin. Rebellion.


On this occasion, we will present some reflections related to a key theme of the Medieval Christian West, angelology, in John Wyclif’s thoughts (c. 1328-1384). Our proposal –which was triggered by an article by David Luscombe– is that a passage from Chapter XV of the Tractatus de ecclesia (TDE), by the so-called Doctor evangelicus, will allow us to see how, according to his point of view, angels can show humans the path to rebellion, which we will connect with their reform projects. To this end, we will analyze the source and brief passages from other works by Wyclif, where we will find and review what can be considered as contradictions or ambiguities. We will also draw on specialized and updated bibliography. In our path we will begin by referring to angels in the medieval West, whose presence was overwhelming, both in the daily aspects of humans and in the extensive and profound theoretical studies that have been dedicated to them. Then we will introduce our author, emphasizing his relationship with the angels. Subsequently, we will fully approach the research topic chosen for this opportunity: to analyze how Wyclif states that angels open the way for humans to rebellion. We will see the passage in which the English thinker offers a very particular vision of a key topic of angelology: the confrontation between the heavenly hosts and the fallen angels. His position on these theological issues is of special interest from a political philosophical point of view.


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How to Cite
Devia, C. (2024). About How Angels Can Show Humans the Path to Rebellion. A Reading from John Wyclif. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 45(1), 123-137. https://doi.org/10.34096/petm.v45.n1.13409