A Late Scholastic Reception of the Political Philosophy of Hobbes

About The Catching of Leviathan or The Great Whale of John Bramhall (1593-1663)

  • Martín D'Ascenzo Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza
Keywords: Hobbes, Late Scholastic, Sovereignty, Political theory, State of nature


This paper discusses the criticisms that John Bramhall has made in his The Catching of the Leviathan, from a scholastic approach, to Hobbes’s Political Phi­losophy. The exposition focuses on five main aspects. Bramhall criticizes (1) Hobbes’ claims of accuracy of the new civil science; (2) the Leviathan’s understand­ing of “sovereignty”, both internal and external; (3) the destruction of economic bonds implicit in his Political Theory, (4) the contradictions in his characterization of the link between the civil and religious fields; and finally, (5) the falsehood and atheism implicit in Hobbes’s concept of “state of nature”.


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Bobbio, N. (1985). El modelo iusnaturalista. En Bobbio, N. De Hobbes a Gramsci. Madrid: Debate, 73-149.

Cunningham, J. (2007). James Ussher and John Bramhall. The Theology And Politics of Two Irish Ecclesiastics of the Seventeenth Century. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Jackson, N. (2007). Hobbes, Bramhall and the Politics of liberty and necessity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lessay, F. (1993). Introduction. En Hobbes, De la liberté et de la nécessité. París: Vrin.

Lessay, F. (2013). La controversia Hobbes-Bramhall: ¿los últimos destellos de la escolástica? En Hobbes & Bramhall. Sobre la soberanía. Prólogo de F. Lessay, trad. y notas R. González Sola y F. García Gibson. Hydra: Buenos Aires, 9-44.

Strauss, L. (1963). The Political Philosophy of Hobbes. Chicago: University Chicago Press.

How to Cite
D’Ascenzo, M. (2014). A Late Scholastic Reception of the Political Philosophy of Hobbes. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 35, 31-42. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/petm/article/view/7761

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