Marsilius of Padua and the Theory of Popular Sovereignty

  • Julio A. Castello Dubra Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Marsilius of Padua, Medieval political theory, Theory of popular sovereignty, valentior pars, Defensor pacis


Marsilius of Padua’s theory of popular sovereignty has been up to the date widely disputed. Despite the restrictiveconnotations of the concept of “weightier part” (valentior pars), the article seeks specially to point out the presence of a line of argumentation in the Defensar pacis, by means of which the universitas civium or valentior pars (insofar as they constitute the source of the legitimate political authority) are both understood in a widely inclusive sense. However, the historical projection and the political application of those theoretic concepts led, ultimately, to an emphasis on the unity and concentration of the legitimated power.


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How to Cite
Castello Dubra, J. A. (2001). Marsilius of Padua and the Theory of Popular Sovereignty. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 22, 76-89. Retrieved from