The Siger of Dante: Yesterday and Today

  • Silvia Magnavacca Universidad de Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Keywords: Dante, Siger of Bravant, Historiography, Literal interpretation, Averroism


This article deals with a reconsideration of the well-known problem contained in the lines of Par. X, 133-138 where Dante puts into the mouth of St. Thomas Aquinas a tribute for Siger. It re-examines the question about why did the poet place Siger, whom St. Thomas is supposed to have written against, in a so exalted situation. The argument is considered from several points of view: literal interpretation, History of Medieval Philosophy and historiographic. So, first, the paper resumes the discussion held by Mandonnet, Nardi, Van Steenberghen and Gilson about it on 1910-1940. Then, it points out current historiographical notes on late medieval philosophy, specially about Siger’s statements and his “Averroism”. Finally, on that groundwork, the author proposes another interpretation of those verses.


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How to Cite
Magnavacca, S. (1999). The Siger of Dante: Yesterday and Today. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 20, 38-55. Retrieved from

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