The Definitions of Nature in Boethius (2nd Part)

  • Gustavo Dalmasso Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Keywords: Boethius, nature, essence, substance, Equivocal term


In this second part the author’s aim is to try to determine the meaning of natura in the definition of persona. He compares his interpretation with others and concludes that the word, in that definition, signifies “essence” or “specific difference”. Then, he pays attention to all the places where “nature” appears, and he determines when the word must be interpreted in the sense of substance and when in the sense of essence. The general conclusion is the following: since natura in the fifth theological Tractate is an equivocal term, Boethius’ four definitions of nature must be considered as a result of a division of a word in its meanings, not of a genus in its species or a whole in its parts. However, the three first definitions or descriptions can be included into one class (to on), while the fourth belongs to another quite different one (to eidos).


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How to Cite
Dalmasso, G. (1997). The Definitions of Nature in Boethius (2nd Part). Patristica Et Mediævalia, 18, 29-48. Retrieved from