Definitions of Nature in Boethius (1st Part)

  • Gustavo Dalmasso Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Keywords: Natura, Boethius, Equivocal term, Nestorium, Definition


The author’s aim is to try to determine the meanings of natura in Boethius’ fifth Tractate, generally called Contra Eulyehen & Nestorium. In this first part, he pays attention to the four definitions of nature in the first chapter. He analyses and expounds each of them, and compares his interpretation with others. The conclusion of the article is the following: “nature” is an equivocal term because in the three first definitions or “descriptions” it has the sense of being (tò on), substance (tò ousiódes) or body (tò somatikòn ousiótes ón) but in the fourth it signifies essence (tò eidos). In the second part, he will examine the use of the word in the rest of the Tractate, especially in Boethius’ definition of persona.


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How to Cite
Dalmasso, G. (1996). Definitions of Nature in Boethius (1st Part). Patristica Et Mediævalia, 17, 16-37. Retrieved from