The “De ente et uno”: an Augustinian Ontology

  • Silvia Magnavacca Centro de Estudios de Filosofía Medieval, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Doctrine of the Trascendentals, Augustine, Pico della Mirandola, Reception, Creaturas


This paper exposes the Augustinian presence in the De ente et uno of Pico della Mirandola. Firstly, it offers a synthesis of the complex structure of that work and asserts the thesis about its nature as a doctrinal work regarding the transcendentals. Secondly, Pico’s notions of the unity, truth and goodness of each being are examined. The third part of the article shows that Pic’s notions of unum, verum, and bonum follow, respectively, the Augustinian lesson on the modus, species, and ordo found in created things. Finally, the ethical sense that underlies the coincident ontology of the two authors is highlighted.


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How to Cite
Magnavacca, S. (1990). The “De ente et uno”: an Augustinian Ontology. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 11, 4-26. Retrieved from

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