The Quaestio disputata de felicitate of Master Giacomo of Pistoia. Notes for a New Discussion Regarding His Sources

  • Violeta Cervera Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Latin averroism, Historiography, reception, Giacomo of Pistoia, Thomas Aquinas


This paper aims at showing the influence of the wrong application of the expression "latin averroism" in a particular case: the Quaestio disputata de felicitate of the italian master Giacomo of Pistoia. In order to do so, we propose (1) a new discussion over Giacomo of Pistoia's sources, which will allow to deepen a topic previously suggested by Kristeller: the possible influence of Thomas Aquinas in the Quaestio disputata de felicitate and (2) a reconsideration of the relation between the De summo bono by Boecio of Dacia and the Quaestio disputata de felicitate by Giacomo of Pistoia. It is shown, in the conclusions, the inconvenience of establishing, over such texts, rigid historiographical classifications that do not contribute to a detailed study of the sources.


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How to Cite
Cervera, V. (2011). The Quaestio disputata de felicitate of Master Giacomo of Pistoia. Notes for a New Discussion Regarding His Sources. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 32, 99-110. Retrieved from
Critical Notes